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Beauty trends come and go, but if there is one beauty product that has found its place in almost all the beauty regimes today, it is the eyelash serum. Their claims of longer, thicker, and darker lashes have made eyelash serums one of the must-have products in many women’s beauty kits. But what is an eyelash serum, in basic terms? What is its main function, and in what case should you think about it before adding it to your daily living? To put everything in place, we’ll discuss everything there is to discuss with eyelash serums in the following blog.

What is an eyelash serum? When defined, eyelash serum is a cosmetic product with a special composition used for elongating the eyelashes. This means that such serums are often used with a brush applicator along the lash line or to the lashes, depending on the particular product. There are usually active components in them which are designed to either promote or even embolden the lashes.

Eyelash serums come in a range of categories, the most common being stuffing products and growth enhancing serums. Some of the products are designed to take care of the lashes and prevent them from breakage, while the other ones contain components that enable the growth of new lashes in a couple of weeks.

eyelash serum

Advantages of Eyelash Serum

Imparts Nourishment and Enhances Lash Growth
A number of eyelash growth serums contain ingredients such as peptides, aptamers, and biotin which are capable of promoting growth. When applied regularly, these serums can stimulate the histological lash follicles enabling the growth of longer and fuller lashes.

Provides Strength to the Existing Lashes
Most of the women wear false eyelashes due to the fact that their own brittle lashes are prone to breaking or falling out. Therefore, eyelash serums contain conditioning agents such as panthenol and hyaluronic acid, which also help to strengthen the lashes and reduce the chances of them breaking.

Boosts the Volume of Lashes
Lash serums, when used regularly, can help improve the appearance of lashes into fullness. This can be an added advantage for individuals with naturally thin or less lashes.

Lash Color is Enhanced
Some serums come with lash color enhancers that eliminate the need of mascara for such lashes giving them a fuller and neat appearance.

Provides Nourishment to the Lash Follicle
A good quality serum will sustain the lash follicles with much-needed elements thus helping the lashes health as well as providing a healthy sheen finish.

Key Ingredients Used In Eyelash Serums
It is important to be familiar with the components included in an eyelash serum because this will assist you in the selection of various products. Below is a list featuring eyelash serums with some of their effective Ingredients:

Biotin also referred to as Vitamin B7 is a widely used component in lash growth serums and supplements because of its ability to ease hair growth and induce growth of long lashes.

Peptide are building blocks of proteins, these compounds are known to assist in the production of keratin which is a protein associated with the strengthening and lengthening of lashes.

This pro- vitamin B5 derivative serves as a moisturizing agent that protects and improves the quality of eyelashes.

Hyaluronic Acid
Hyaluronic acid is well recognized for holding great amounts of water and rauvolfia indianensis extract helps in reducing the odds of lashes becoming dried and breaking off.

Botanical Extracts
Soothing and conditioning agents like green tea extract, ginseng, and aloe vera are often included in the eyelash serums.

Prostaglandin Analogs
Lash enhancement serums also incorporate prostaglandin analus. Prostaglandin analogs are powerful however these agents may predispose the user to certain side effects hence protective measures should be observed when using them.

Selecting the Appropriate Eyelash Serum According to One’s Needs
Today’s market is flooded with products devoted to eyelashes and their growth. Each of them has its oddities in the form of ingredients and promises. These are the following things that you should evaluate while selecting a serum

Their Composition

In case you need an eyelash growth- enhancing substance, buy such healers for eyelashes, which contain a peptide complex and biotin. If eyelashes need caring, then a nourishing treatment with panthenol or other components is to be chosen.

Skin Sensitivity
Clients suffering from skin and eye sensitiveness should under no circumstances use serums containing irritants such as prostaglandin analogs but should rather go for mild herbal formulations.

Affordability and Product knowledge
Most of the essential serums may be pricey, but they are typically designed using quality high performance ingredients. You should investigate the company and its products prior to purchasing and read other’s experiences about the product and its value for the customers.

Some serums have an applicator, while some come without and will need a brush to be used bought separately. Opt for one that will not complicate application and is in line with your routine.

How to Apply Eyelash Serum: Proper Methods of Application
Even the top rated eyelash serums will not work miracles if the application is not done correctly. Here is the guidance that every user of eyelash serum should follow when using the product.

Make Sure Your Face Is Clean
First of all, the user must make the face clean and there should be no traces of cosmetics (if any), oils, and dirt on the eye area. This is an important step because the intention of the application of the serum is to ensure that it goes deep into the lash line.

Use the Upper Lash Line
With the use of the applicator brush, put some of the serum on the upper lash line. Do not come too close to the eyes so as not to cause irritation. Lower lashes are not meant for most serums.

It is not just the intention that will work; it must be done repeatedly. When in use, the majority of these lotions is designated to one application above lashes in the evening. Do as directed with your particular item for the best solutions.

Exercise Patience
Individual results vary, but the majority of individuals observe visible changes in their condition between the consistent span of 4-8 weeks. Do not apply more product than recommended as this can cause irritation but will not help in enhancing speed of results.

Don’t Use Two Or More At The Same Time
If one wishes to obtain the best possible results, different eyelash serums should not be used and other products should not be applied layered along the lash line. Typically, using one product diligently is the most beneficial.

Expected Effects Of Eyelash Serums
Despite being benign in most instances, eyelash serums, particularly those having prostaglandin analogs as active compositions, may have side effects. Possible adverse effects include the following ones.

Eye Irritation
For the most part, mild irritation such as redness and/or itching may be expected especially for those people whose skins are very sensitive. At this point, do not apply the product to the eyes and see a dermatologist instead.

Eyelids Getting Darker
This goes out mostly, but not limited to females, or at least in the targeted age group. Some users have reported the skin around the lash line darkening. Such an effect was noted especially due to serums that have prostaglandin analogs and usually reverses after ceasing to use the given product.

Changes in Iris Color
There are some reports noticed about a few prostaglandin-analog-containing serums changing however the color of the eye even though such occurrences are infrequent if such individuals have blue eyes. This occurrence, unfortunately, happens to be irreversible and therefore such treatments should be taken with care.

Allergic Reactions
Allergy-afflicted individuals may experience extreme responses to serum use. Avoid using any products on specific areas of your skin that you are unsure will be sensitive and allergic.

Alternatives To Expensive Eyelash Serums
If you are focused on providing the most amount of effect without eye lash serums, here are few other ways to take care of your eyelashes:

Castor Oil
Castor oil is also known to be used for many women as a natural lash growing agent. Its efficacy is not comparable to that of a growth serum, but it’s still useful in conditioning and toughening the lashes over the period of time.

Eyelash Enhancements
Lash extensions can dramatically enhance the sassy look you desire within a blink of an eye. But on the flip side, take into consideration that maintenance is essential often and these may damage natural lashes in the long run.

Lash Growth Regulators
While the primary purpose of serums is to promote eyelash growth, lash nourishing conditioners are meant to heal and moisturize rather than assist in growth. These products are perfect for healthy follicles which are looking to preserve their good condition.

Mascaras Created for Better Lashes
There are some formulas that not only darken the lashes but also improve their structure. Daytime options for lash enhancement without using permanent make-up.

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To Conclude

Eyelash serums give a feeling of longer, thicker lashes, but it sticks only to the good quality lotions and proper use. In case you want to make your eyelashes longer, stronger and fuller, an eyelash serum is all you need. Keep in mind the side effects that may arise, and that you should always check product reviews and guidelines first. Lastly, with practice and time, you shall be able on a journey of achieving lovely natural looking eyelashes quite soon!

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